192 Fácil

by Velp Tecnologia



By installing the application and registering your basic data, calling the urgency and emergency service becomes much more practical!The application uses the registered information and GPS data to indicate to SAMU your location.Your registered data and your call come in at the same time the attendant receives your call. With this, your service is much more agile!The 192 Fácil also allows the user to trigger the 192 Switch via a voice over data (VoIP) call. This functionality was developed especially for rural regions that do not have cellular network coverage, but have some internet connection (eg radio or satellite). VOIP technology is provided by SEG Tecnologia (http://seg.eti.br/).Coverage Area: The solution is integrated with the regulation centers of more than 650 Municipalities.Regional Centers: CISDESTE, CISNORJE, CISRU, CISRUN, CISSUL, CISTRI, CIS-URG West, CONSIRC and CONSURGE.Municipal Centers: Betim/MG, Itabira/MG and Patos de Minas/MG.